I finally managed to pack my bags on Thursday (which included a huge clothes-and-shoes-decision-drama, as always when I go away even for just a few days). I left the house with a 17! Kg suitcase and the bestie on Good Friday, for our little Easter holiday in London. I was rather excited. We've been at the airport quite early but that was absolutely fine. We spent some time walking about, eating ice cream and going through the duty free shop. This wasn’t a good idea, because we actually went straight into the perfume section and my nose absolutely hated me for this. But we're good again now.
After we finally got on board, I felt rather sick. I just realised again that I actually don’t like flying (People just don’t belong up there, I rather have my feet on the ground!) and my mind created the most horrible scenes while we’ve been in the air but I tried to block them out as good as I could with loud music blasting through my headphones.
But when the captain said we’re just about to approach now, I looked out of the window and as soon as I saw England, I calmed. I felt like I’m coming home after a long, long time. We got our luggage, got on the Gatwick Express to Victoria station and then took the tube to Heathrow airport. As soon as I’ve been on the tube, I was absolutely happy. We got off at Heathrow and the boyfriend was already waiting for us there. I was even happier than before. Then we got on the bus to the hotel, when we arrived there, we almost had a little break down because the woman at the reception told us our rooms weren’t paid yet (PANIC!) but we solved this problem and finally got into our rooms. I was absolutely shattered. London had to wait another day, I just wanted to sleep.
Then Saturday was finally there. The day me and the bestie have been waiting for, so incredibly long. McFLYday. We got lunch and then went straight to Hammersmith Apollo. Loads of girls have been there already, some for almost 24 hours! It was absolutely freezing! So we sat on the cold pavement and waited...and waited...and waited...for 6 bloody hours. Then it was finally time to get into the venue, after another hour of standing and waiting outside (meanwhile I absolutely regretted that I decided to wear high heels, but no pain no gain!) And then there we’ve been. 3rd row, ready to see the sexy boys from McFLY. The 2 support acts been on stage for what felt like ages but as soon as they finished and YMCA was played I was just absolutely excited and I couldn’t breathe because I knew McFLY would come on stage in a few seconds (That’s the fangirl inside of me speaking right now, I can’t help it!). And the show has been absolutely brilliant, fantastic, just perfect. My feet we’re killing me, I couldn’t breathe, it was bloody hot and I got squashed but fuck it was absolutely worth it! (Next time, I’ll take a seating ticket tho!) Unfortunately my phone decided to be a bitch and wouldn’t let me take one good picture of the boys I adore so much but I made some videos and they’re actually brilliant. So I’m rather happy right now.
After the concert was the after party but we couldn’t manage to go there, since we looked like absolute twats after the gig, we had to go back to the hotel to get showered and changed, by the time we would’ve gone to the club tho, the party would’ve been almost over so we just stayed at the hotel (which i really do not regret). And I fell asleep, with a huge smile on my face and some butterflies in my stomach. This night was just brilliant. Words cannot explain it. You have to experience this to know what I felt/feel.
On Sunday we met up with James and Vicky and walked through London, found a little Italian restaurant and sat down to have a drink. Unfortunately it was Easter Sunday so most of the shops have been closed and since the weather was terrible as well we really couldn’t think of anything to do. But it was good tho.
Later that day the Bestie decided to go to a comedy gig, I couldn’t be bothered to so I went back to Hammersmith with the boyfriend and sat down in a rather nice pub. This night I have to admit, was rather perfect. It couldn’t have been any better. We talked, kissed, laughed. And after a pint of Guinness and 3 Crabbies ginger beer, I was quite drunk. But so was the boyfriend. It was fun, fun fun. And apparently I sound prober posh when I’m drunk, according to the boyfriend. Anyway, I felt so good this night. I haven’t been this happy for ages. I just don’t know what I’d do without my boyfriend. He completes me. And I really want more nights like this, in a pub with him, having a few pints and just rambling and laughing and kissing. Nothing more, nothing less.
And then Monday came along. I hated it. I had to say goodbye...goodbye to McFLY, goodbye to English TV, goodbye to the pub in Hammersmith, goodbye to the tube, goodbye to the hotel, goodbye to London and worst of all goodbye to the boyfriend. Of course I cried like a baby and looked like a fool. But we had no other choice, he had to get his train to Sunderland and I had to get back on a plane to Germany. This weekend was absolutely amazing, but our holiday had to end and we had to face reality again.
So here we are now, back to reality. Back to in the office, back to the same shite. The same boring place. The same stupid people. But as I told you earlier, I got a plan. A plan to get away from here and I’ll do whatever the fuck I’ll have to do to make this plan become my reality.
I'll stop now. This is quite a long post. I hope someone takes the time to read this and maybe leaves a comment. I hope you had a great Easter weekend as well and your reality is better than mine right now.
Love, love, love
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