Wednesday, 11 April 2012

And suddenly you have to grow up...

I think there are 3 really important stages in life:

1. The I-don’t-have-to-worry-mum-and-dad-are-there stage
2. The OMG-my-parents-are-so-annoying-and-HE-broke-my-heart-I’m-gonna-die stage

And finally

3. The It’s-time-to-leave-mum-and-dad-and-grow-up-and-live-your-own-life stage

Stage 1 (0-12) Oh how easy it was. All you have to worry about is when you fall down and scratch your knee. But then mum or dad comes along and makes it okay with her “magical kiss”. All the decisions are being made for you, good or bad, you don’t have to care. Life is good, easy and you are happy.

Then comes stage 2 (13-17) and life gets harder already. You have to deal with horrible teachers, hard exams, stupid classes and even more stupid homework. You fall in love for the first time but he breaks your heart and you think you never gonna survive this. And when your parents come to you and want to talk to you, you think “It’s my own life! I can do whatever I want! I’m not a baby anymore!” And when you try to talk to them about something, they just don’t understand. And you just can’t wait to properly grow up and move out!

And then it’s the time. Stage 3 (18-30) is there, you actually have no other choice than growing up and moving out soon. And Stage 2 was NOTHING compared to this! You have to get a job, earn your own money, pay your own bills and think about where you want to be in a few years. No one is making decisions for you anymore. You are responsible for your own life now. And there’s so much pressure on you, you think you never gonna make it. You have a boyfriend now? Good. Is he the guy you want to spend the rest of your life with? Better watch out that you don’t get pregnant now tho, if you have other plans in mind. You make plans, they fail. You have to think of a plan b. You may fail again. But you have to get back up and keep going. It’s the hardest thing ever and you may reach a point (like I did now with 21) where you can’t wait to be settled down, with a husband, a house, maybe kids and a job you actually quite enjoy. But you can’t just press the fast forward button on the remote of life, can you?!

Oh how I just couldn’t wait to turn 18, how excited I was to actually be a proper grown-up. And now???

My nana always says: “When I was your age, I was already married for 3 years and had 2 kids!” – Yes nana, times have changed. What am I supposed to do with kids now?! Can you give me the time to sort my life out before I bring another life into this world?! Thank you.
But besides that, HE has to put a ring on it first. Call me old-fashioned but I want to be married before I have kids. But not yet. Maybe in 2 or 3 years. That should be enough time for the boyfriend to save money for my engagement ring, right?! And then he will get another year to save money for the wedding. Yes, I think that’s very generous of me. And then we can have kids. A boy first please, then a girl (tell this your little soldiers down there A. Thank you!).

But anyway, why am I talking about marriage and kids now?! We should talk about this “sort my life out first” part. So again, I’m 21 currently working as a secretary and still living with my parents. How awesome is my life?! I have to say my job is well paid though so it could be worse (but, I’ll admit I’m rather bad with money. Which means after about 3 weeks all my money is gone (I blame all these awesome books, beautiful heels and clothes out there, why do I have to be a bloody woman?!).)

I have this plan in mind for such a long time now. And it keeps changing and changing and changing because this plan is not easy to actually realise. It requires a lot of thinking, planning and of course money, which I’m scant of. But I have to keep going, keep planning and keep saving money as good as I can. I mean this is about my future You have to be patient, very patient. I’ve been bloody patient for the last 21 years now, I’m done. Sick of waiting! I need my plan to become reality now. But no....I’ll have to wait at least another 4 months. Thanks for that.

I mean, my life could be so easy. I could just move a few streets away from my parents and get a job in an office or something. But this would also mean I’d have to give up on my relationship as well! And since I found the man I want to marry in a few years, I would not only be utterly devastated but also a huge idiot!!! So let’s absolutely forget about this! That’s not what I want and it wouldn’t be good enough for me. Call me arrogant, but I think I can do better and I deserve better. I’ve never been really happy here, I don’t know the exact reason to be honest, but I know that if I won’t take this step, if I won’t pack my bags and just try it, I’ll never be happy. And hey, no risk, no fun right?!

“Failure is the mother of success.”

This is one of my favourite quotes right now. People fail, people make mistakes. But that’s important in life. It’s part of growing up. But most important is that you get back up again. That you tell yourself: “Right, I failed. But I can do better!” I’d rather try to make my dreams come true while I’m still young, than sit here in a few years and regret that I didn’t try it at all. So I’ll be patient, I’ll work hard and I know I’ll get there someday. It won’t be easy, there will be many obstacles in my way and yes, maybe I’ll fail, but that’s what life is about. If I want it enough, I know I can do it!

Now, what are your thoughts on this?
And what actually is growing up for you?
How do you imagine your life to be in about 5 or 10 years?

On that note, have a nice day and I hope you can fulfil some of your dreams today. X


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