So on Friday the 16th the boyfriend came over again (FINALLY). It’s been about 2 months since we last saw each other. You might think 2 months aren’t that long…believe me it’s bloody long and I hated every second. You want to know where he’s been? At home of course. He lives in England, I live in Germany.
Long distance relationship….hurray….NOT!
It’s been about 1 year and 8 months (I think) since he first tweeted me. It all started when he offered me a cup of tea on twitter. I fell for him instantly. And now here we are, in a relationship for 1 and a half years. Oh time flies.
But as much as I love him, it’s not always easy. He’s been here last summer for about 2 months. Then we saw each other on new years and spent about 10 days together. And now he came over on the 16th for another 10 days. We can’t spend much time together, because it’s just not possible, I have a job, he goes to uni…so we are both scant of money and time. Anyway.
Even though I had to go to work while he was here, I enjoyed every second with him. Time was rare so we had to make the best out of it. And how did we spend the few hours we had together? Snuggling. What else?! ;)
But no matter how amazing the time is you spent together, soon there comes the day when you have to say goodbye again, he’ll get on a flight and you’ll both have to fall asleep alone again. I can tell you, it’s horrible. I thought saying goodbye would get easier with time but it doesn’t. No, actually it gets harder. Because all you think is: “Now we have to say goodbye again. Again, again, again. When will this end?” Well, it’s gonna take a while. It’s not that easy. You need patience and hope and money of course!
Usually, when we are at the airport, saying goodbye, at least one of us (me) or even both are crying. This time it was different, we didn’t cry at all. And I can tell you why. We gonna see each other again in about 11 days in London! This made everything a lot easier, knowing it’s only a few more days or even weeks and then you gonna see each other again. All the other times when we’ve been at the airport, we had no idea when we gonna see each other again. And this sucked big time.
When I spend time with the boyfriend, I’m a completely different person. I’m me. I don’t worry about stuff like I usually do. I’m not depressed or upset or anything. I’m happy. He makes me happy, brings out the best in me. Even though I know he’s gonna leave again, I just try to enjoy every second with him. Of course we do argue sometimes or ignore each other because one of us (me) is a complete bitch at this moment, but this is over soon and then we are just US again. And I love this. I love him for taking me the way I am, for putting up with me. I don’t know how he does this.
And even though it’s anything but easy to be in a long distance relationship, I have to say:
It’s the best thing that ever happened to me.
I appreciate his love even more, I appreciate the time we have together even more. Our love and the whole relationship just grows with every day we spend apart. And I know that this situation won’t be forever. Soon we’ll be together. Without going to the airport and saying goodbye again. We’ll be US. Together. In the same country. Forever. And I just can’t wait for this to happen.
I love you Baby.
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